Category - Conferences

The Mental Health Workshop was held in Brighouse

Mental Health Awareness Week Relationships Workshop

An event held to mark Mental Health Awareness Week by Cygnet hospitals in West Yorkshire has received extremely positive feedback from those who attended. The focus on the event, which was relationships, chimed with the theme of MHAW.

Making Families Count

Making Families Count – Conference Report

On Thursday 14th April, Cygnet Health Care jointly hosted the Making Families Count Conference in collaboration with the Making Families Count team and NHS England South Central.

Cygnet's Rosalyn Mloyi presenting on restrictive practice at the conference in Denmark

Cygnet staff promote reducing Restrictive Practice

On 23rd October 2015 Cygnet Health Care's Rosalyn Mloyi, Restrictive Pracitice and Violence Reduction Lead, and Abu Idris, Violence Reduction Lead Instructor, gave a presentation on their work at the 9th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry in Copenhagen.

The Bringing People Together conference in Bristol

Bringing People Together – Conference Report

As part of our annual CPD events programme, Cygnet Health Care recently hosted the “Bringing People Together” conference in Bristol. Spearheaded by the team at Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke, the event was attended by over 190 delegates.