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Cygnet’s Freedom To Speak Up Celebration Day

To mark the sixth Annual Speak Up Month, Cygnet Group held a celebration day to recognise the contribution of the organisation’s almost 200 Freedom To Speak Up Ambassadors, volunteers across Health and Social Care services, who champion the message of Speaking Up being business as usual at Cygnet.

Cygnet Occupational Therapy Conference and Awards 2023

On Wednesday 14th June we held the Cygnet Occupational Therapy Conference and Awards for 2023. It was held virtually with over 200 guests in attendance. This year’s theme was ‘Transforming and Raising the Profile of Occupational Therapy’ and we heard from former service users, Cygnet Occupational Therapy teams and external professionals about the subject.

Service User Events Team Appointed for NSUA 2022

We recently launched our search to find a team of service users to support us plan the 10th Annual National Service User Awards. We advertised across Cygnet Health Care for team members who were keen to work as part of a team and share their skills.

Cygnet Annual Social Work Conference

March is World Social Work Month and on 22nd March 2022 we celebrated our second Cygnet Annual Social Work Conference. The conference featured contributions from guest speakers and Cygnet staff including the social work team at Cygnet Hospital Derby who gave a fantastic presentation on the work they did to support carers during the pandemic.

Cygnet hosts ‘Quality in CAMHS Services’ Webinar

On Wednesday 23rd September we successfully held our first CPD-accredited webinar – ‘Quality in CAMHS Services'. The webinar featured presentations by CAMHS professionals from Cygnet services as well as colleagues from the NHS.