The event was co-produced with service users and experts by experience and chaired by Dr Geraldine Strathdee OBE, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England together with Raf Hamaizia, Cygnet’s Expert by Experience Lead.
“A fundamental difference between service user involvement and co-production is equality in the decision process.”Raf Hamaizia, Expert by Experience Lead
After opening remarks from Geraldine and Raf delegates then heard from Rosalyn Mloyi and Nick Horne. Roslayn and Nick are the regional Reducing Restrictive Practice Leads for Cygnet Health Care. Rosalyn and Nick provided a concise and interesting overview of Reducing Restrictive Practice in a national context.
This was followed by a moving talk by Iris Benson MBE. Iris is an Expert by Experience and shared with delegates some her experiences of what it is like to be restrained. Iris concluded her talk with a powerful exhortation to nurses to “Go out and make a difference.”
Geoff Brennan, Executive Director of Star Wards, then gave a presentation on the history of the Star Wards and Safewards initiatives. Both Star Wards and Safewards encourage co-production and Geoff noted that, although it was not a conscious aim of either project, those services involved with Star Wards and Safewards have also seen reductions in restrictive practice.
“Co-production is not a one-way street. It is also service user driven.” “Geoff Brennan, Executive Director, Star Wards
Cygnet’s Director of Nursing, Julie Kerry then gave an overview of Cygnet’s drive to increase co-production. This was followed by a presentation from Nick, Iris and Wayne Saville, Expert by Experience who shared real life examples of how co-production can support reductions in restrictive practice.
“There can be no tokenism in co-production.”Iris Benson MBE, Expert by Experience
This theme was continued after lunch where delegates watched a video that had been co-produced by staff and service users at Cygnet Hospital Bierley. Nick, Iris and Wayne then took to the stage again to step in and deliver a presentation on behalf of a service user and staff member from Cygnet Hospital Derby who unfortunately were unable to be there in person on the day.
The conference ended with a presentation from Dr Brodie Paterson on the importance of co-produced debriefs followed by a short panel discussion which provided a summary of what had been an engaging and thought provoking day.
Delegate Feedback
“Really, Really, Really Good Day! I have learnt so much. Service user involvement has been extremely useful.”
“More events like this please. Least restrictive practice should be happening everywhere to allow people to have more freedom in a very restrictive environment. Thank you for today.”
“Coming from the NHS it is good to see that we are working in the same way and have established very similar systems that have been and continue to be successful. ”
“Very informative conference.”
“Thank you for this excellent conference.”
“Excellent venue choice and hospitality. Inspirational and informed presentations, their passion was palpable. One of the best events I’ve attended. ”
“Excellent venue. I feel as if I can return to my place of practice and implant some changes.”