Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Research and Development at Cygnet

Cygnet’s Research and Development Team are a team of representatives from different disciplines and areas of expertise across the company who meet once a month to review proposals, and provide feedback on the ethical and practical aspects of studies.

In addition to the team, are our Research and Development Lead, Dr Bobbie Turnbull, Research and Development Team Member, Dr David Marshall, and Research Assistant, Abbey Henderson, who all have an allocated day a week for their research role.

The team provide training, advice and ongoing support to researchers and people interested in research within the company.

We welcome the opportunity to work on research and studies with external stakeholders. If you have an idea for research and would like support to consider how to develop it, you can contact the Research and Development Team. It may be that some of the things that you are already doing could be developed into a study or you may have other ideas or areas of interest.

Cygnet’s Research and Development Team run a lead reviewer process. This means that your research proposal will be assigned to a lead and deputy reviewer within the team, to provide feedback, and facilitate discussion with other team members. Following submission of your research proposal, you may be invited to attend the meeting, to answer any questions the team have about your research proposal. Meetings take place on the last Wednesday of the month from 10:00am to 1:00pm; timeslots for researchers to attend will be within this time period.

In order for your research to be reviewed in the monthly meeting, it must be received by the second Wednesday of the month.

Please submit all research proposals and/or direct any research queries to [email protected].

Documents needed for a proposal to be accepted include:

Patient / Service User Study:

  • Protocol
  • Participant information sheet
  • Consent form
  • Debrief form
  • Interview schedule if applicable
  • Service manager permission(s)
  • University ethics (if applicable)
  • University insurance (if applicable)
  • IRAS permissions / approval
  • Summary for clinical directors

Staff Study:

  • Research proposal/protocol
  • Participant information sheet
  • Consent form
  • Debrief form
  • Interview schedule if applicable
  • Service manager permission(s)
  • University ethics (if applicable)
  • University insurance (if applicable)

The Cygnet Journal

In October 2024 we were proud to introduce the first edition of The Cygnet Journal which showcases some of our Research, Quality Improvement projects and innovation, as well as opinion pieces and experience articles.