Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


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Neil Boot, Hospital Manager, with the Triangle of Care certificate

Cygnet Aspen Clinic gains Triangle of Care accreditation

Well done to the team at Cygnet Aspen Clinic who have received an accreditation for the work they do to involve carers in the support of their loved ones after the service was praised for its “carer friendly culture”.

The Cygnet Delfryn team

Cygnet Delfryn House and Lodge receive positive inspection report

Well done to the teams at Cygnet Delfryn House and Cygnet Delfryn Lodge who have received a positive inspection report by the regulator, Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW), with inspectors praising staff for their “kind, engaging and proactive” manner.

The team at Cygnet Heathers

Cygnet Heathers retains Outstanding Headway rating

We are delighted to announce that Cygnet Heathers, our Neuropsychiatric care and treatment service in West Bromwich for men affected by acquired brain injuries and neurodegenerative conditions, have retained their ‘outstanding’ rating across all six domains in a recent review by Headway, the Brain Injury Association.

The team at Cygnet Newham House

Cygnet Newham House gains Triangle of Care Accreditation

Well done to the team at Cygnet Newham House who have become the latest Cygnet Health Care service to gain the Carers Trust's Triangle of Care accreditation for the work they does to involve carers in the support of their loved ones.