Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Provider Collaboratives

Provider Collaboratives are a group of providers of specialised mental health, learning disability and autism services who have agreed to work together to improve the care pathway for their local population.

Each Collaborative is led by an NHS Provider and includes providers from a range of backgrounds, including the voluntary sector, other NHS trusts and independent sector providers. They also work alongside service users, carers and families.

The key principles which underpin the Provider Collaborative model are:

  • Collaboration between Providers and across local systems
  • Experts by Experience and clinicians leading improvements in care pathways
  • Managing resources across the collaborative to invest in community alternatives and reduce inappropriate admissions/care away from home
  • Working with local stakeholders
  • Improvements in quality, patient experience and outcomes driving change
  • Advancing equality for the local population

Cygnet are participating in 21 out of the 48 collaboratives that have been launched, covering Adult Low and Medium Secure Services, Adult Eating Disorder Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). In addition we are associates to a further 14 providers. The location of our services and the natural clinical flows are the deciding factors in which collaboratives we are participating in. Deaf and Tier 4 PD services are not included in provider collaboratives.

Each provider collaborative has a partnership board that Cygnet sit on and a legally binding partnership agreement outlining how the partners will work together. There are also monthly meetings for operational delivery, clinical governance, finance and contracting, and quality assurance.

The full list of Cygnet services that are participating, and the NHS Lead Provider Collaborative that they belong to, are as follows:

Cygnet Hospital Bierley
West Yorkshire Adult Secure

Cygnet Hospital Blackheath
South London Partnership

Cygnet Hospital Bury
Greater Manchester Adult Secure
Lancashire and South Cumbria Secure
PROSPECT Cheshire and Mersey Secure
Cheshire & Merseyside CAMHS
East of England CAMHS
Greater Manchester CAMHS
Lancashire and South Cumbria CAMHS

Cygnet Hospital Clifton
IMPACT East Midlands

Cygnet Hospital Derby
IMPACT East Midlands

Cygnet Hospital Ealing
North London (Eating Disorders)
South East (Eating Disorders)
Surrey Heartlands (Eating Disorders)

Cygnet Hospital Harrow
North London Forensic Consortium

Cygnet Hospital Maidstone
Kent, Sussex and Surrey Provider Collaborative

Cygnet Hospital Sheffield
Horizon South Yorkshire Adult Secure
East of England CAMHS
South Yorkshire CAMHS

Cygnet Hospital Stevenage
East of England Secure

Cygnet Hospital Woking
Kent, Sussex and Surrey Provider Collaborative

Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital
West Midlands CAMHS
South West CAMHS

The list of providers we are associated with are as follows:

Humber Coast and Vale Secure
Reach Out Secure
Thames Valley Secure
Dorset and Wessex CAMHS
East Midlands CAMHS
Humber Coast and Vale CAMHS
Kent and Sussex CAMHS
North East London CAMHS
North West London CAMHS
Surrey CAMHS
Thames Valley CAMHS
West Yorkshire CAMHS
East of England Eating Disorders
East Midlands Eating Disorders