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Co-Production at Cygnet

Co-production has transformed the way health and social care providers operate, and the importance of involving the voice of the people we support at every level of the organisation is something that has been embraced at Cygnet over the last decade.

In February 2024 we launched Cygnet’s Co-production Strategy 2024-2027. The strategy reflects our ongoing commitment to continue enhancing and developing our existing structures and work to date, with power-sharing and working together as equal partners being the primary aim. The strategy also aims to support the wider strategic and organisational objectives.

We believe co-production is not simply a single thing or project that services can do, but is a culture and should be embedded into the very fabric and part of every decision that services make. Click on the links below to find out more about some of our co-produced initiatives.

Experts by Experience

In 2018, Cygnet became the first independent provider of healthcare services to invest in a full-time Expert by Experience Lead (EbyE). The team has continued to grow and we now have more than 40 EbyEs at Cygnet who represent all our service lines.

Social Hubs

Arcade games, sensory lighting and pool tables have helped to transform clinical spaces into new ‘social hubs’ across multiple Cygnet hospitals as part of a unique collaboration between patients and staff.

The Cygnet Health Care Yellow Book

The Cygnet Health Care Yellow Book contains artwork, poetry, music and creative contributions from service users across Cygnet and is a celebration of how creativity can support positive mental health.

People’s Council

The People’s Council is a co-produced forum within Cygnet Health Care which aims to share power and give a voice to service users, residents and family carers at every level of the organisation.

Music 2 Empower

Music 2 Empower is an initiative by Cygnet Health Care, launched in October 2019, that aims to bring the positive effects of music therapy across our services.

Recovery Colleges

Cygnet Health Care recognises that each individual is an expert in their own care and through our Recovery Colleges we work together with each student on their own personal recovery journey whatever that may be.


Led by our Procurement and Experts by Experience teams, Co-Sustain uses the principles of coproduction to raise awareness and educate individuals on meaningful changes they can make to have a positive impact on the environment.

Smoke Aware Initiative

Our Smoke Aware Initiative was founded by the Expert by Experience team at Cygnet in partnership with the Collaborative Centre for Smoking Cessation. The project aims to reduce health inequalities through supporting meaningful smoking cessation and awareness within inpatient services.