Archive - 2016

New skill sharing initiative with Stevenage Fire Service

The psychology team at Cygnet Hospital Stevenage have recently joined together with the Stevenage Fire Service to share ideas and training around the hospital's new Firesetting Intervention Programme for Mentally Disordered Offenders (FIP-MO).

Cygnet Hospital Taunton’s Scarecrow Festival

On Tuesday 16th August service users across all the wards at Cygnet Hospital Taunton had a lot of fun creating scarecrows in the tradition of the local villages' annual scarecrow festival.

Charity abseil raises over £7K for selfharmUK

On Saturday 13th August members of Cygnet Health Care's senior management team successfully abseiled 100m down Portsmouth's Spinnaker Tower. By doing so they raised over £7,000 for selfharmUK, Cygnet's nominated charity for 2016.

Cygnet Hospital Beckton

Cygnet Hospital Beckton scores 95% in Quality Network Review

Cygnet Hospital Beckton’s Bewick Ward has scored 95% in a review by the Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services. This a national benchmarking process and is indicative of the improvement by Bewick from 86% last year to 95% this cycle.