Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Archive - 2016

Cygnet Hospital Ealing hold annual Art Exhibition

On 8th March 2016 Cygnet Hospital Ealing held its fifth annual exhibition of service user artwork. The date for this year's exhibition was chosen to coincide with International Women's Day.

Cygnet Health Care logo

Reducing Restrictive Practice

Reducing Restrictive Practice is a priority within Cygnet and as part of our commitment to this work we have appointed two Reducing Restrictive Practice Lead Nurses.

Cygnet backing selfharmUK

We are pleased to announce that selfharmUK has been chosen as its nominated charity for 2016. Cygnet will be supporting all its hospitals to hold fundraising activities locally to raise much-needed funds for this important charity.