My Safety Planning – a collaborative approach to risk management

Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke has been involved in an innovative project aimed at engaging service users in the process of risk management and assessment.

Kewstoke’s Clinical Manager Ruth Halsey and Occupational Therapist Steve Miller have developed a series of workshops to help service users understand the whole process of risk assessment and management.

The workshops explore the area of risk and aim to:

  • Make the risk assessment process transparent
  • Understand the issues associated with risk and safety planning and promote active involvement in the process
  • Identify ways to collaboratively address problem behaviours
  • Identify goals and support required to ensure safety and ensure progress towards community living.

The ward based interactive sessions encourage service users to ask questions and share thoughts about the risk assessment process.

“We recognised that risk management can be viewed by service users in mental health services as something of a ‘dark art’. We are working hard at Cygnet to dispel that myth and to that end have set out in our Corporate Clinical Risk strategy how we will seek to involve service users in their own risk management and assessment. The innovative workshops designed at Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke are an excellent resource enabling service users and staff to work together to create an environment where the management of risk is viewed as a positive thing.”Nicky McLeod, Chief Operating Officer

The workshops have been successfully piloted at Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke and will now be rolled out across the whole organisation.

The My Safety Planning workshops are an extension of the series of My Shared Pathway workshops developed by Steve Miller Occupational Therapist at Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke. The aim of the workshops was to develop service users understanding of how this recovery focused initiative would help them to move through their care pathway.

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