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Positive care experience inspires former patient to help others

Levi Kent

A former patient who was hospitalised for his mental health said the positive care he received has “inspired” him to become an Expert by Experience to improve the lives of others who are struggling.

Levi Kent is using his own experience as a mental health inpatient to support others through their own recovery across different Cygnet Health Care services.

Now 29, Levi was first was admitted to mental health services in 2017, when he was 21-years-old. His admission, onto an acute ward, lasted six months.

He explained: “I found this experience challenging and confusing as I didn’t have much knowledge or awareness of mental health problems and services.

“I shrugged off the experience as I felt it was a one-off and would just go away. But in 2019, I had my second admission to an acute ward and was there for another six months. Again I shrugged off the experience and just got back to my life.

“It wasn’t until my third and final admission that I truly gained insight into myself and my problems. I dismissed mental health before and saw it as something that could be easily overcome but I realised it was a challenge and took work, patience and perseverance.”

Levi was admitted to the low secure ward at Cygnet Hospital Woking and said he found the experience “challenging but rewarding”.

He added: “I engaged in Occupational Therapy activities, vocational roles, psychology and health and well-being. All of this led to me building confidence and learning new skills. My peers and the staff were all very supportive and friendly which made the experience easier.”

Whilst he was a patient at the Redding Way service, Levi spoke with an NHS professional who recommended he would be a perfect fit for the Expert by Experience role (EbyE).

EbyEs are people who have lived experience of using or caring for someone who has used health and / or social care services. In 2018, Cygnet became the first independent provider of healthcare services to invest in a full-time Expert by Experience Lead.

Last year we recruited 27 new Experts by Experience (EbyEs).

We now have more than 50 EbyEs, who have made more than 1,000 visits to our hospitals last year, ensuring service users are consulted at all stages in the planning and delivery of our care.

They help ensure the opinions of service users are heard and considered across the organisation and that feedback is actioned upon to improve services.

“I was interested to find out more so as soon as I was discharged in November 2023 I got in touch with the Lived Experience Network and eventually I joined the team,” Levi explained.

“I was inspired by the care I was given, it made me want to improve the lives of others too.

“After much training I began doing visits and now I cover Cygnet Hospital Woking, Cygnet Hospital Maidstone and Cygnet Hospital Colchester. The care across all three services is absolutely phenomenal, you can tell all staff really want to improve the lives of patients.”

Describing his areas of focus as an EbyE, Levi said: “My priorities include building authentic, meaningful and trusting relationships with service users and staff in order to continue improving the mental health care system, making sure all voices are heard and championing co-production to create a more balanced and inclusive care process.

“EbyEs are extremely important in the mental health care system as they have experienced first-hand what it is like to be in services and that leads to a deeper understanding and bond between not only the EByE and the service user, but also EByE and staff as we see both sides of the coin. That rapport we are able to build with staff and service users is so beneficial.

“All in all I feel the role is essential to bring forth connection and the continuation of quality improvement in services.

“When service users realise they are being cared for by people who have their best interests at heart, it makes them more motivated to progress.”

Levi said his highlight as an EbyE came in November 2024 when Cygnet Hospital Colchester become the latest Cygnet Health Care service to have a space transformed into a homely ‘social hub’ as part of a unique collaboration between service users, former patients and staff.

He helped kit out the social hub with items such as arcade games and new furniture and escorted service users to a local shopping centre to purchase the finishing touches for the space.

He said: “The social hub is an extremely important addition to the Colchester site as it will allow the service users to engage in activities in a non-clinical environment which will help them feel more at ease and will motivate them to continue making positive progression towards recovery.

“I believe the hard work from all involved will truly harvest fine results for the service users and staff too. I was extremely proud to be a part of such a positive action.”

Looking back at the journey and progress he has made, Levi added: “I feel extremely proud, grateful and content with all the work that I have done and am doing and blessed to be working alongside so many amazing people in all areas of the services.”

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