Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke opening new female acute service

Sandford Ward, Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke’s new 16 bed female acute service, will be opening on Wednesday 21st November. The service will provide a safe and stabilising environment for women who are experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require an emergency admission.

The ethos of the service is about assessing and treating service users in the least restrictive environment and planning for discharge in a robust and timely fashion. With a focus on stabilisation, we support service users to manage their mental health, reinforce daily living skills and prepare for an independent life back in the community.

Service users on Sandford Ward will have support from the full MDT with a range of interventions available including occupational therapy, psychology, social work, advocacy, IMHAH services and access to a GP.

Amongst the outcomes we aim to achieve are:

  • Reduced number of self-harm incidents
  • Improved wellbeing
  • Improved social functioning
  • Service users treated and stabilised in order to move on to care in the community
  • Psychoeducation programme offered to help service users better understand their illness
  • Workshops and support offered to help service users cope with everyday tasks post discharge
  • A crisis plan will be agreed pre-discharge with arrangements for future incidents relating to the service user’s illness

To make a referral please call our Referral Line on 0808 164 4450 or email [email protected].

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