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Cygnet Bury Hudson supports local homeless charity

Service users and staff from Cygnet Bury Hudson with their donations to Barnabus

Kind hearted staff and service users from Cygnet Bury Hudson have donated clothing and food to Barnabus Christian Homeless Charity to help those without shelter across Manchester.

Barnabus has been providing a lifeline for people experiencing homelessness in Manchester for over 30 years. The charity was chosen by staff and service users at Cygnet Bury Hudson, a hospital run by Cygnet Health Care which provides mental health support to men. For the past two years, the hospital, on Buller Street, has donated clothes, winter accessories, and non-perishable items to those in need.

Paul O’Keefe from the Cygnet Bury Hudson Occupational Therapy team, Rob Jones and Mia Boardman, both senior support workers, along with two service users, recently visited the head office of Barnabus in Manchester city centre to hand over the latest donations.

Paul explained that the idea for supporting the charity came from the patients themselves. He said: “A few years ago, in a meeting with our service users, we had a few people who shared their unfortunate experiences of being homeless and living on the streets. They spoke openly and honestly about how they may not be here today without the support of such charities like Barnabus.

“We are always keen to support local causes within our community and they requested the opportunity to choose Barnabus as a way of saying thank you and knowing they will be helping people that are in a situation where support in obtaining basic needs is a lifeline.”

Adam Williams from Barnabus welcomed the latest gesture and added: “I want to say thank you to Paul, the patients and staff at Cygnet Bury Hudson for their kind donation of collected clothing and food.

“Cygnet Health Care have been brilliant supporters of our work over the past few years. Winter is Barnabus’ busiest time with more people living on the streets coming to us for help with accommodation and for practical support. Being able to offer them a shower and a fresh set of clothes not only gives them some dignity it is really important to their health in the bitter winter conditions.

“A fresh set of clothing after a shower can help our friends face the day ahead, often full of meetings with various support agencies as they try to rebuild their lives on their journey off the streets. Thank you to Cygnet Bury Hudson for helping them on their journey.”

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