Archive - 2019

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CQUIN Achievements 2018-19

Cygnet Health Care are proud of their positive history of working alongside our commissioners to implement CQUIN schemes. To help achieve compliance, the last year has seen some exciting initiatives at Cygnet.

Cygnet launches Mental Health First Aid Training for staff

At Cygnet we understand that the mental health and wellbeing of our staff is just as important as the support we provide for our service users. That’s one reason why we have decided to train Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) across the business.

Acts of Random Kindness Awards 2018

Celebrating acts of random kindness

Every day we are inspired by the work our staff do with service users and residents at our services as part of their day to day roles. We want to celebrate their work and recognise when people go above and beyond with acts of random kindness.