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Ranaich House’s Annual Fun Day

On Friday 11th August the team at Ranaich House in Dunblane held their annual Fun Day.

The annual fun day is very much a highlight of the year at Ranaich House. The residents love to get involved in planning activities, collecting donations, decorating posters etc. Organisation is very much a team effort and we are extremely lucky that we have an amazing enthusiastic staff team at Ranaich House.

In addition to family, friends, neighbour and members of the local community, Activities co-ordinator Kirsty Dickson also invited staff and residents from our other residential services in Scotland.

On the day guests enjoyed home baking, a bouncy castle, music and lots of dancing, tin can alley, a football shoot out, tombola, raffles, a Mr whippy ice cream van, and a BBQ.

The team at Ranaich House were overwhelmed by the generosity of Dunblane, Stirling and the surrounding areas with all the donations we received. A massive thank you to each and every one who donated and attended our event.

Some of the businesses that donated were Blair Drummond Safari Park, Briarlands, Auchingarrich Wild Life and Adventure Park, Edinburgh Zoo, Irn Bru, Tunnocks, Sainsburys £120 weekly shop, India Gate, Top Tails, Dunblane pet shop, Tillys Tea room, Beefeater, Tesco Bennet’s butcher and Graham’s Dairy.

The event raised over £700 and the team are in the process of looking for a local business, charity or group that they can help with the funds that were raised. Kirsty said: “Our residents and staff want to give back and help our local community, as we feel very privileged to be within the heart of the community here in Dunblane.”

Feedback on the event was really positive with comments like:
“Fantastic day”
“Thank you very much for inviting us, we had the best time”
“Can’t wait to come back next year”
“I had the best time”

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