Project Group a big hit at Cygnet Hospital Woking

Well done to Ollie Watts, an activity coordinator at Cygnet Hospital Woking, who has been getting some great feedback on the Project Group he has set up for service users on Picasso Ward and Kahlo Ward.

Ollie designed a six session program specifically aimed at service users who are moving along their recovery journey and who would enjoy more advanced learning based activities than those traditionally offered by the activities team.

Dubbed the ‘Project Group’ the idea came to Ollie after he played a pivotal role in supporting service users choose the name of Kahlo Ward, the hospital’s new acute service for women.

Kahlo Ward was named after the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and the name of the ward sparked interest among the service users who wanted to find out more about what Frida Kahlo did for the world of art and for women’s rights and freedoms.

The first of the six sessions that Ollie prepared was therefore a custom presentation on the life, art and impact of Frida Kahlo, followed by a range of art based activities inspired by her work. Ollie promoted attendance and motivation for the group by hand delivering invitations.

Other sessions in the group included clay sculpture, and making dream catchers and bird boxes. The response to the sessions has been extremely positive with most service users rating the group five out five. Feedback included the following comments:

  • “The activity brought us together to share views and ideas, be inspired by a woman who was amazing. Doesn’t need improving, Ollie does an amazing job.”
  • “I absolutely loved it. Well documented. Lots of effort! Bravo!”
  • “Brilliantly conducted and explained. Very interesting historic event.”

Following such positive feedback Ollie intends to rerun the group regularly and expand it to include a session on Pablo Picasso.

Great job Ollie!

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