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Cygnet Hospital Derby scores 94% in Quality Network review

Cygnet Hospital Derby

Cygnet Hospital Derby has scored 94% in a review by the Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services. The hospital achieved 100% ratings in 10 of the 14 areas assessed including, ‘Treatment and Recovery’, ‘Safeguarding’, ‘Physical Healthcare’ and ‘Environment and Facilities’.

These scores are the result of a peer review visit to the hospital on 10th April 2018. The review covered two wards, Alvaston Ward, a specialist low secure service for women with a personality disorder and Litchurch Ward, a low secure service for men. Feedback from the review identified the following areas as key achievements:

  • The spacious, clean and welcoming atmosphere at the hospital
  • The effective peer-support ‘buddy system’
  • The high level of multi-disciplinary team attendances at ward handovers
  • The high level of staff morale at the hospital with staff members feeling supported in their role
  • The full range of therapists available at the hospital including complimentary, occupational and activity therapists
  • The close involvement of the advocacy service which includes regular attendance at patient forums and a high frequency of one-to-one sessions with service users

“Cygnet Hospital Derby is proud it has maintained it’s QNFMS Rating of 94% and aims to improve this in 2019. Thank you to all service users, carers and staff who participated and to the Royal College of Psychiatry QNFMS Team. An action plan has been formulated from the suggestions made and will be implemented over the coming year.”Mark Varney, Hospital Manager

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