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Cygnet launch 11 Recovery Colleges

Cygnet Health Care are preparing for two regional launch events to celebrate the implementation of their network of Recovery Colleges.

Recovery Colleges offer educational courses about mental health and recovery which are designed to increase knowledge and skills and promote self-management. They empower service users to become experts in their own wellbeing and recovery and to get on with life despite mental health challenges.


Service users and staff from the 11 Recovery Colleges will be invited to the launch events which will be facilitated by ImROC. These events will include co-production training to further promote the equal importance of both ‘lived experience’ and ‘professional expertise’.

Cygnet have embraced the importance of co-production and shared decision making from the outset by recruiting Rafik Hamaizia as a consultant Expert by Experience, Rafik works at a strategic level across the organisation. In addition to this service users and staff work together in the Recovery College Steering Group to ensure that the implementation of Recovery Colleges is truly collaborative.

“Recovery is a journey and at the Recovery College, it’s a journey you don`t have to face alone. We welcome everyone to join us in learning new skills or sharpening up existing ones. Nobody is excluded, we accept all different skills, gender, age and race. Ultimately we are here for you!”MD, service user Steering Group member

To support the development of the Recovery Colleges Cygnet Hospital Bury’s Brett Peers has recently been appointed Recovery College and Patient Involvement Lead.

“I am delighted with the appointment of Brett Peer to this key role, Brett comes with a proven track record of delivering service user focused initiatives in secure services. The support and commitment that Brett will bring to the role will be invaluable.”Julie Kerry, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience

Service users have been involved in producing a core prospectus and a range of documentation to support the implementation of Recovery Colleges. These include BSL fingerspelling to ensure the Recovery College is accessible to deaf service users. Work will continue with service users and staff at a local level to ensure courses are both meaningful and fun for students.

“It has been a privilege to be part of the team including service users, managers and staff involved in the development of Recovery Colleges throughout Cygnet Health Care. I am excited to see how the Colleges will develop over time.”Suzanne Turner, CQUIN Manager

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