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Cygnet Hospital Bury open new CAMHS low secure service

Cygnet Hospital Bury have launched a new CAMHS low secure service on the hospital’s Buttercup Ward. The service can support girls aged between 12 and 18 and offers a defined treatment pathway from admission, through intervention and discharge.

Buttercup can positively support young people who may need a longer stay in an inpatient setting within a low secure environment. It offers a care and treatment pathway for people who may have complex mental health issues and whose needs and risks are such they need to be supported in this environment.

The new service is designed to complement the existing CAMHS services already offered at the hospital.

“As a dynamic hospital, we have responded to the regional and national shortage of LSU beds, by working with NHSE to provide additional LSU Capacity. We are also very excited to be able to offer our CAMHS patients a full pathway within our hospital, now offering PICU, LSU and general acute.”Pretty Mangani-Zulu – Hospital Director & Registered Manager

The ward focusses on working with young people and to help them understand their mental health, their risks and support their recovery. This enables them to be successfully discharged to a less restrictive environment and to reduce the possibility of relapse and likelihood of requiring a secure service in the future.

The hospital has a dedicated school, the Excel and Exceed Centre which supports young people to continue their education and studies at the same time as receiving treatment.

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