Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450 Recruitment Line: 0121 728 8111

Excel and Exceed Centre

Excel and Exceed Science and Art room

The Excel and Exceed Centre is the specialist provider of education for all young people admitted to Cygnet Hospital Bury. Learning happens in a dedicated school unit which includes an ICT suite, library and quiet room. Teaching is provided by a team of subject specialists and experienced classroom support assistants.

We are unable to accept requests for school places from individuals or local authorities; each school place is linked to a bed on our CAMHS wards.

Our Vision

To provide a safe, enjoyable and purposeful educational experience for all our young people during their stay. The care and support we offer means that young people are helped to celebrate their differences and achieve their goals, enabling them to be successful in the future and prepared for their next steps.

We work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure the education provided mirrors the community provision. We strive to always embrace the Cygnet values.

Photo Gallery


Cygnet hospital schools aspire to maintain and develop current educational pathways and/or promote future re-engagement with education, employment or training.

In doing so, we believe that students leaving our provision will stand the best chance of reintegration with community life and therefore a successful recovery journey.

Our curriculum is personalised to individual students and therefore explicit pathways vary according to personal goals and needs. This might mean mirroring a current educational pathway or choosing from a range of courses offered at our schools (or a combination of both).

Qualification type, level, tier etc. will be planned on an individual basis, and with reference to the overarching curriculum intent. Other factors such as predicted length of stay and examination plans may also need to be considered.

Due to the fluctuating nature of mental health conditions, a flexible curriculum approach is required. During particularly acute periods of presentation it may be appropriate to instead focus on stabilisation and engagement. In this situation, activities will be planned as a vehicle to improve mental health functioning in education (MHFE) with the intention to re-establish readiness for learning.

Academic Timetable

Here is an example of an academic timetable to support a student:

Here is an example of an ASD friendly academic timetable:

Awards and Accreditations

CollectivED Logo

The CollectivED: Coaching, Mentoring and Professional Learning in Education award demonstrates the schools commitment to making coaching, mentoring and professional learning a strategic priority for school development. In achieving the award, Excel & Exceed have established a clear plan, through which they are guiding the whole school community through the process of building the skills and knowledge needed to bring about the whole school improvement in coaching, mentoring and professional learning.

The Rainbow Flag award is a quality assurance framework that encourages a whole school approach to LGBTQ inclusion and supports schools in developing strategies to challenge and combat LGBTQ phobic bullying.

The award is broken down into six categories:-

Excel & Exceed have passed all six and below is a summary of what was demonstrated for each category:-

Skilled Teacher – We have demonstrated that staff, senior leaders and non-teaching staff are able to recognise and consistently challenge and report LGBTQ phobic and that they confidently use positive and appropriate language around LGBTQ identities.

Supportive Governors & Parents – Governors and parents show and understanding of the needs to combat LGBTQ phobia through positive education and representation and know where to go for support and information if needed.

Effective Policies – Policies are in place to address LGBTQ phobia and positively support whole school LGBTQ inclusion.

Inclusive Curriculum – LGBTQ people and identities have been positively represented across all areas of the curriculum. This includes lessons and activities that are LGBTQ inclusive as well as those that are LGBT specific.

Pastoral Support – LGBTQ pupils wishing to explore or express their gender and/or sexuality are given the support they need. Skilled staff from within the school are able to support through signposting and referrals to appropriate local services.

Student Voice – Student led initiatives are valued and support to create an LGBTQ inclusive and positive environment.

Excel and Exceed has been chosen to be a Picture News Quiz Advocate School. Picture News Quiz provides us with the outline for our topics of the week and works with schools across the country to ensure British Values and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are being taught effectively. Picture News Quiz is a fantastic resource and it’s great that we’ve been recognised for using it well, across the curriculum, and particularly in our weekly Literacy and Numeracy lessons.


Wendy Webster, Head Teacher and Safeguarding Lead, Tel: 0161 762 7212
Jayne Rowlands, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Weds and Fri) School Manager, Education Officer and Looked After Designated Person, Tel: 0161 762 4358
Chloe Young, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mon, Tues & Thurs), Tel: 0161 762 4358
Rachel Rix, National SENCO Lead, Tel: 07738 716408

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Recovery College sign at Cygnet Hospital Beckton

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