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Cygnet Hospital Bierley present at Society for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Conference

Cygnet Hospital Bierley’s psychology team recently presented a poster at the Society for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy conference in Newcastle. The presentation was on the hospital’s Advanced DBT Skills course.

The 14 week Advanced DBT Skills course was developed in order to enhance motivation and reinforce engagement in the hospital’s comprehensive DBT programme. The course includes additional sessions on Mindfulness, Relationships, Walking the Middle Path, Behaviour Change and Addictive Behaviours.

Service users who had completed a minimum of six months of the standard DBT Skills group and who demonstrated a good knowledge and use of the skills were eligible to apply for a place. Four service users attended the course and provided feedback each session. Two service users took part in a focus group at the end.

The team presented their evaluation of the course together with future recommendations. The group was suggested to be a useful addition to the comprehensive DBT programme, with service users reporting that they learnt useful skills that they were able to apply to their daily lives. The graph below details the service user’s feedback regarding the satisfaction and relevance of each of the sessions.

Well done to Sam Moore, Forensic Psychologist, Rebecca Szlachcic, Principle Clinical Psychologist and Emma Yeadon, Trainee Forensic Psychologist who presented the poster at the conference.

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