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Meet the Team

Victor Takadiwa - Hospital Director / Operations Director North West

Victor graduated at the University of Wolverhampton as an RMN. He completed a Certificate in Mental Health Law at the University of Northumbria and has a Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Management. He has extensive experience working in the care sector in range of roles in Adults and Children’s Health and Social Care Services, in both NHS, and the Independent Sector.

His previous roles include, support worker, RMN Senior Staff Nurse, Hospital Director, Operations Director for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities in various social and clinical settings including Supported Community Housing, Acute, PICU, High Dependency Rehabilitation and Forensic Services for Medium and Low Secure. Victor is passionate about supporting individuals in our care and staff to reach their personal best.

Dr Lakshmanan Ramachandran - Deputy Regional Medical Director

Neuropsychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry are Dr Ramachandran’s passions and these continue to drive his clinical pursuits as Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist in secure inpatient services (brain injury; learning disability; autism and long term medium secure) as well as his academic interests.

The privilege of rewarding academic and clinical roles ground Dr Ramachandran as a person and guides his leadership values of holistic appraisal of not only a person with mental health difficulties but also a system serving such a person.

Beth Clamp - Registered Manager, Cygnet Bury Dunes

Beth is a Registered Mental Health Nurse and has worked in various roles in various services since being qualified. These have included Nurse, CTL, Ward Manager and Clinical Manager.

Beth has worked in Female MSU, Female LSU, Female Rehab, Male LSU, Male PICU and CAMHS services.

Beth has worked on deaf wards within Cygnet Bury and is level 2 sign language trained. Beth is passionate about providing high quality care to the service users within the hospital.

Cheryl Wood - Registered Manager, Cygnet Bury Forestwood

Cheryl is a Registered Mental Health Nurse and has worked in various roles in various services since being qualified. These have included Nurse, CTL, Ward Manager and Clinical Manager. Cheryl has worked in Female MSU, Female LSU and CAMHS services.

Previously in a ward management role she led the team to achieve the first QNIC accreditation in CAMHS LSU in the country. Cheryl is passionate about working with young people, their families’ staff and key externals to improve quality and experience of both young people and staff.

Sibo Attley – Registered Manager, Cygnet Bury Hudson

Sibo started her career in the business sector as a graduate management trainee. In 2006 Sibo graduated as a mental health nurse from the University of West of Scotland.

She has worked in a range of psychiatric services in both the NHS and private sector. Sibo has also worked in community healthcare with the Personality Disorder Managed Clinical Network in Leeds.

Sibo has a special interest in working with people with a diagnosis of personality disorder and she also enjoys working with teams in managing change, implementing new service developments and turning around underperforming units.

Sibo is passionate about enhancing patient experience through using evidence based practice and patients’ strengths and skills. Sibo’s academic achievements include BSC, MSC in Leadership Management and Change, Advance Practice in CBT, Mentalisation Based Therapy and various psychological therapies. She is currently undertaking a Professional Doctorate at Salford University.

Sibo is the Registered Manager responsible for the hospital's male adult mental health and personality disorder services.

Grant Stevens - General Manager

Grant has over 20 years’ experience working in various operational management roles in some of the largest healthcare providers both in South Africa and the UK. He relocated to the UK in 2004 where his career focussed mainly in operations and project management and the commissioning of Independent Sector Treatment Centres in partnership with the NHS.

Grant joined Alpha Hospitals, now Cygnet, as the Relationship Manager for the North in August 2014. Prior to that he held the position of Head of Operations Clinical Services at Bupa Home Healthcare. Grant was appointed to the position of General Manager at Cygnet Hospital Bury in January 2016 where he is responsible for the management and functioning of all non-clinical areas of the hospital.

Catherine Flowers – Head of Psychology

Catherine is an experienced Consultant Forensic Psychologist who worked in HM Prison Service for 10 years prior to joining the Cygnet team. Whilst in HMP Prison Service, Catherine held the positions of Head of Psychology and Head of Interventions in a North West Prison.

She joined Cygnet in 2012 as the Qualified Psychologist at Cygnet Fountains. In 2018, she took on the Psychology Service Lead Role for Male High Dependency Rehabilitation units across North and Midlands before joining Cygnet Bury as Head of Psychology in March 2021.

Catherine is experienced in staff management and supervision and is passionate about supporting aspiring psychologists in their career development. In addition to supervising trainees through their qualifications, she works with the British Psychological Society as an assessor for the Qualification in Forensic Psychology.

Catherine is skilled in a range of therapeutic modalities and is accredited as a Schema Therapist with the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST). Catherine has a number of special interest areas including personality disorder, trauma informed work and the assessment and management of violence and aggression. Catherine also has an interest in compassionate leadership and holds a level 5 diploma in Leadership and Management as awarded by the Chartered Institute of Management.

Ruth Hudson – Regional Lead Occupational Therapist

Ruth Hudson qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Salford University in 1992. Her career began in the NHS, where she worked for 13 years within Community Mental Health Teams in Central Manchester.

Ruth joined Cygnet Bury in 2006 to develop a special interest in the field of Mental Health and Deafness in Secure Services. She remains committed to improving the experiences of Deaf people in health care settings, and is passionate that this should apply for both those who are service users and those who are colleagues. She has jointly published an article in the ‘OT news’ about Occupational Therapy in Mental Health and Deafness, and has delivered a poster presentation at the OT Show about Occupational Therapy with Deaf people using mental health services.

Ruth has completed her level 4 qualification in Leadership and Management and is accredited with the ‘Institute of Leadership and Management’. She has been the Regional Lead Occupational Therapist for all of the services in Cygnet Bury since April 2019. She also holds the role of Clinical Lead OT for Cygnet Deaf Services and has previously held the role of Clinical lead OT for Cygnet Secure Services.

Ruth has supported the development of students, OTs and other health practitioners throughout her career. She remains passionate about supporting the development of highly skilled OTs to ensure that the Occupational Therapy profession can grow in quality and reputation, to continue its contribution to the recovery of individuals and to the development of successful mental health services.

Georgina Kidd - Clinical Quality & Compliance Manager

Gina graduated from Liverpool John Moore’s University with a BA (hons) in Childhood and Adolescent Studies before going on to complete a MA in Social Work at the University of Salford. Gina has a Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management in Health & Social Care and has been working in the care sector, in various roles, for 15 years. Gina’s previous roles within the independent sector include Quality & Risk Manager, Registered Manager and Operations Manager.

Gina joined the Cygnet Bury team in 2021 and has been lucky to work alongside colleagues sharing the same values and high standards when it comes to Quality and Governance. Gina’s current role covers many elements of Clinical Governance, including management of clinical audit, working with NHS commissioners and most importantly, supporting the delivery of care in line with best practice & regulatory standards.

Turloch Holmes – Head of Social Work - Safeguarding Lead

After studying at Plater College Oxford for two years Turloch was awarded a Distinction on the completion of the Oxford University Special Diploma in Social Administration. He then went on the take a Social Work Degree at Lancaster University where he gained his Social Work Qualification. Subsequent to this he took up post as the Lead Forensic Social Worker and Hospital Safeguarding Lead at a hospital in Preston where he worked for over 8 years.

Turloch then took up post as the Hospital Social Work and Safeguarding Lead for over 12 months in Stoke–on-Trent, a facility for Adults with Complex Mental Health and Learning Disabled needs. After this he joined Cygnet Hospital Bury in September 2019 as the Lead Social Worker on the CAMHS Unit where he worked for over 18 months. In September 2021 he was successful in applying for the post of Head of Social Work and Hospital Safeguarding Lead.

Laura Cleasby – Named Nurse Safeguarding

Laura has over 15 years’ experience of working in healthcare settings working with adults and children across residential, community and acute settings. Laura has a BSc (hons) in Midwifery and MSc in Community Public Health Nursing. Her previous roles include Care Support Worker, Maternity Support Worker, Midwife, Health Visitor, Specialist Safeguarding Nurse and Named Nurse for Safeguarding.

Laura has specialised in safeguarding since 2019 and has experience working with community and acute safeguarding matters; both operationally and strategically and experience of working within the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub). Laura has worked for the NHS since 2009 and has recently joined Cygnet as the Named Nurse for Safeguarding at the Bury site.

Laura is passionate about safeguarding and is keen to share her knowledge, skills and experience to empower Cygnet staff to support service users who may be unable to protect and safeguard themselves.

Clare Shard – Head of Interpreting and Translation Service

Clare has worked as a BSL Interpreter since 1993. She has worked as a community interpreter for Action on Hearing Loss then moved to Leeds in 1995 to establish the Interpreting Service for Leeds City Council. Clare then went on to establish a community service in Blackburn before deciding to specialise in Interpreting in Mental Health and Deafness.

Clare become Head of Interpreting Service in November 2001 and has remained in post ever since. Clare delivers training to BSL interpreters both nationally and locally and has worked in collaboration with York Deaf CAMHS. Clare is involved with developing training for Interpreters that work in First Tier Mental Health Review Tribunals.

Clare’s motivation is to deliver the highest standard of interpreting and translation service to colleagues and service users so they can fully participate in their care, treatment and recovery.

Latest from Cygnet Hospital Bury

Staff celebrating the new name for Forestwood School

Forestwood School celebrates its new name

Education staff and colleagues from Cygnet Bury Forestwood came together yesterday to celebrate the renaming of the hospital's school to Forestwood School.

Service users and staff from Cygnet Bury Hudson with their donations to Barnabus

Cygnet Bury Hudson supports local homeless charity

Kind hearted staff and service users from Cygnet Bury Hudson have donated clothing and food to Barnabus Christian Homeless Charity to help those without shelter across Manchester.


Music 2 Empower – Akin’s Story

In this episode of Music 2 Empower we meet Akin, a service user at Cygnet Bury Hudson, who talks about the power of music and how music puts him in his “safe and happy zone”.


Crochet chocolate orange covers raise money for Young Minds

At the Excel and Exceed Centre, it has become an annual tradition for Louise, one of the teachers, to make decorative crochet covers for chocolate oranges, to then be sold at the Christmas Fayre held at Cygnet Bury Forestwood.

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