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Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Delfryn House and Lodge hold a S.C.U.D. day of fun and laughter

Service users and staff at Delfryn House and Lodge recently joined forces to hold a “S.C.U.D.” day. S.C.U.D. stands for “Savour the Comic Unplug the Drama”. This is an American idea, where people are encouraged to break from their normal routine for the day.

The focus is on the therapeutic benefits of comedy and laughter. The idea being to put aside the drama of everyday life, learn more about living and working with humour and laughter, plus the benefits of this on mental and physical wellbeing. Both service users and staff at Delfryn certainly got into the spirit of this.

The day’s events consisted of various games; including eating doughnuts without licking your lips and head basketball. There was lots of singing and dancing and a variety of service users who struggle to engage with the everyday programme got involved.

A karaoke competition took place at the House in the afternoon, with both service users and staff. The Lodge had a talent show arranged and hosted by one of the service users. There were lots of prizes given out at the end of the day to recognise contributions.

SCUD day allowed a break from routine and a chance to spend time as a community, having fun with each other.

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