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Cygnet Hospital Bury’s Alzheimer’s Awareness Day

On Thursday 14th June 2018 service users and staff at Cygnet Hospital Bury organised and co-produced an Alzheimer’s Awareness Day Cupcake fundraising event.

The idea for the event came from one of the service users on Columbus Ward, one of the hospital’s specialist services for men with a personality disorder. The service user was supported by staff and peers to help organise the event.

Several wards spent time baking and decorating delicious cupcakes, cakes and rock buns to raise funds and there was also a presentation delivered by the service users on Alzheimer’s and its effects.

Games such as hook-a-duck & spot the cupcake were included in the event with prizes awarded to the winners. Alzheimer’s information handouts were also free to take. The event proved very popular and music was played by a service user from Upper East ward using the media suite decks.

The day was a huge success with everyone digging deep in their pockets, having a good time and socialising. In all they raised over £240 for a very worthy cause. Well done to everyone involved.

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