Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


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Phil and Gav

Cygnet colleagues raise £2,000 for Samaritans

Cygnet colleagues have raised more than £2,000 for the Samaritans by taking on the Great North Run after being inspired by the story of a Newcastle resident who almost ended his life in 2023.

Cygnet Hospital Beckton Social Hub

Cygnet Hospital Beckton unveils new Social Hub

Cygnet Hospital Beckton has become our latest inpatient service to have a space transformed into a homely ‘social hub’ as part of a unique collaboration between service users, former patients and staff.

Specialist Care Provider of the Year Finalist

Cygnet shortlisted in National Care Awards

We are delighted to announce that we have been named a finalist in the 2024 National Care Awards. Cygnet has been shortlisted in the Specialist Care Provider of the Year category.

Ben’s fundraising challenge for Mind

Well done to Ben, a service user at Vincent Court, who has taken on an epic swimming challenge and has raised over £500 for Mind, the mental health charity.

Cygnet Maple House celebrates 1st birthday

Last week the service users and staff at Cygnet Maple House celebrated a year since the service opened with a Bridgerton-themed tea party in the grounds of the hospital.

Cygnet Hospital Bierley's new Wellbeing Hub

Cygnet Hospital Bierley’s new Wellbeing Hub

This week the team at Cygnet Hospital Bierley held a grand opening of their new Wellbeing Hub. The new space is a salon where service users can enjoy a pamper session.