Launch of Cygnet’s Co-production Strategy 2024 – 2027

On Tuesday 27th February, we held a virtual event to launch Cygnet’s Co-production Strategy 2024-2027.

Key stakeholders, including service users and Experts by Experience, joined a panel of speakers from across the country to explore the role of co-production at Cygnet and to find out more about our plans for the future.

Our Co-production Strategy 2024-2027
Download our Co-production Strategy 2024-2027

Cygnet’s Co-production Strategy 2024 – 2027 reflects our ongoing commitment to continue enhancing and developing our existing structures and work to date, with power-sharing and working together as equal partners being the primary aim. The strategy also aims to support the wider strategic and organisational objectives.

Guest Speakers included Julian Eve, Director, ImRoc (Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change), Chris Day, Executive Director of Engagement, Care Quality Commission, and Liz Durrant, Head of Quality Transformation, NHS England.

The session explored co-production with reflections from colleagues, Experts by Experience and service users at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone, Cygnet Hospital Woking, the CAMHS People’s Council and Cygnet Hospital Bierley.

Co-production has transformed the way health and social care providers operate, and the importance of involving people at every level of the organisation is something that has been embraced at Cygnet over the last decade.

Raf Hamaizia, Expert by Experience Lead, said: “Co-production is about people from all walks of life coming together to work with each other as equals from the outset. It helps recognise that we all bring something to the table and we can work with each other to harness each other’s assets for the benefit of all.

“The strategic drive around creating a culture in which co-production can thrive has enabled equal partnerships working to shape and drive quality improvement across services. This has involved embedding lived experience in everything that we do on a strategic level through Experts by Experience and harnessing our People’s Council structure on a local level.

“We believe co-production is not simply a single thing or project that services can do, but is a culture and should be embedded into the very fabric and part of every decision that services make. From the built environment to recruitment, the ‘Co-production Culture’ strategy aims to make every department and individual accountable and part of the paradigm shift to an equal partnership with all.”

Cygnet Group CEO, Dr Tony Romero said: “Co-production is what defines our values as an organisation, it is about care, respect, empowerment, trust and integrity… it is about working together as equal partners and we have seen a transformation in culture as a result.”

David Wilmott, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience, added: “Our People’s Councils and the Experts by Experience team have really set the tone on our journey and have demonstrated the importance and benefits of co-production. It is now time to take things to another level and really embed co-production in everything we do at every level of the organisation and that is why creating a Co-production Culture is at the core of this strategy.”

Thanks to the teams and Experts By Experience from across Cygnet who supported this event including Vicky McNally, Director of Partnerships and Engagement, Stephen Firn, Chief Executive Officer, Cygnet Health Care, Raf Hamaizia, Expert by Experience Lead, David Wilmott, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience and Jon Van Niekerk, Group Clinical Director.

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