Cygnet Hospital Bierley launches new ‘Lunch and Chat’ events for carers

Cygnet Hospital Bierley has recently launched a new initiative for carers called ‘Lunch and Chat’. Through a series of quaterly events the aim of the initiative is to evaluate the ways in which Cygnet Hospital Bierley already engages with carers, and to look at various ways to better engage carers in service users’ care.

The first ‘Lunch and Chat’ event took place on the 21st March 2015 and was a great success. The carers who attended were invited to provide feedback on the service at Cygnet Hospital Bierley and the support they have received so far from the hospital. Carers were also asked what staff in the hospital could do to make the hospital more approachable and help carers feel more supported. Carers also had the opportunity to ask questions about the therapies and facilities provided at the hospital.

The feedback from the first event was really positive. Carers told us that they really valued the opportunity to chat with others in similar circumstances; and that they felt recognised by the hospital as being integral to the recovery of their family members. Some said they felt empowered through knowing more about the hospital and facilities it provides. Carers also provided lots of ideas for the next three upcoming events, these will be taking place in June 2015, September 2015 and February 2016.

Based on the feedback we have received some of the topics that will be covered in future ‘Lunch and Chat’ events will include:

  • Information about the different therapies available at the hospital
  • Education on the legal aspects of the Mental Health Act
  • Medications and their side effects
  • Diagnoses of different mental health conditions

“Historically psychiatric services in general have perhaps not done enough to engage with carers so this is an important step forward. We were delighted with the response we’ve had so far and we look forward to a bright future of working collaboratively and effectively with carers.”Luke Jones, Social Worker, Cygnet Hospital Bierley

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