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Dr Azmath Khan appointed Consultant Psychiatrist of new Springs Centre service

Dr Azmath Khan

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Azmath Khan who has joined the team at Cygnet Hospital Harrow as consultant psychiatrist of the hospital’s new Springs Centre service.

The Springs Centre will support up to 15 men with mental health needs and an additional diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and/or a mild learning disability. This new service will be funded by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

Dr Khan did his postgraduate training on the Southwest London and St Georges training scheme. He has special interest in people with intellectual disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder with offending and challenging behaviours.

Dr Khan holds a postgraduate diploma in Clinical Education, from the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons, Glasgow. His clinical interests are Adult ADHD, depression, treatment resistant depression, anxiety disorders, stress related disorders, bipolar affective disorders, psychoses and drug and alcohol problems. He can carry out assessments in both English and Hindi.

“I am delighted to join the newly formed team for Springs Centre at Cygnet Hospital Harrow. I feel I can make a significant contribution to the Hospital and the running of the Springs Centre. The staff have been very welcoming and I look forward to working with them in the future.” Dr Azmath Khan

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