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Cygnet Sedgley House and Cygnet Sedgley Lodge, an ‘Outstanding’ well-led service in CQC report

We are delighted to announce that, following an inspection on 29-30 March 2018, Cygnet Sedgley House and Cygnet Sedgley Lodge have been rated Good in four areas and Outstanding in the ‘Well-Led’ category by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Cygnet Sedgley House is a mental health recovery and rehabilitation service for men in Wolverhampton. Cygnet Sedgley Lodge is the initial step-down service from Cygnet Sedgley House and provides service users with increased independence, and a more outward-looking community-based programme.

The team at Cygnet Sedgley House
The team at Cygnet Sedgley House

“We are very proud of the care that we provide to our service users here at Sedgley House and Sedgley Lodge. We always strive to work as a team in order to provide the best care that we can. We are delighted that the rating we received from the CQC recognises this.”Natalie Knibbs, Hospital Manager

The full report (published on the CQC website) highlights many areas of positive practice, including:

  • The registered manager and leadership team were described as leading by example.
  • Morale amongst staff at the service was excellent.
  • The service culture was one where service users and staff felt valued and listened to.
  • Service users were offered a range of interventions to promote independence and social inclusion.
  • All care and treatment records contained detailed, up-to-date assessments of risk and a plan of the care being provided by the hospital.
  • Service users were able to access a range of specialist interventions.
  • A range of audits were routinely completed to measure the services performance and actions plans had been implemented to improve the quality of service being delivered where required.

Well done to Natalie and the rest of the team at Cygnet Sedgley.

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