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Cygnet Sedgley celebrates Christmas in style

Each year Cygnet Sedgley House and Cygnet Sedgley Lodge, our men’s high dependency inpatient rehabilitation services in Wolverhampton, celebrate Christmas Jumper Day. However, as service users often struggle to be able to fund their own jumper, this year staff and service users got together to hold a ‘Create Your Own Christmas Jumper’ competition.

The process began by purchasing plain sweatshirts and being creative with how each individual could design them. The hospital funded for the service users’ jumpers and all staff involved were kind enough to contribute their own money for the staff jumpers.

To make it a fair competition staff and service users alike used the same materials and were encouraged to be as creative as possible using handmade stencils, lots of glitter and Christmas tree decorations. Once the competition started the interest within the hospital rocketed and required the jumpers to be made over a 3 week period.

On the day, everyone showed off their finished jumpers on a catwalk to the sounds of Christmas music. The jumpers were judged by Cygnet Sedgley’s Hospital Manager, Responsible Clinician and patient hospital representative. The jumpers were judged based on 5 categories which were:

  • The most glittery jumper
  • The most Christmassy jumper
  • The most unique jumper
  • The most colourful jumper
  • The most wearable all year around jumper

The winners were presented with a £5 gift card and chocolates, all those who participated also won a box of chocolates each. Well done to everyone who took part, all the jumpers look fantastic!

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