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Celebrating Eating Disorder Awareness Week at Cygnet Hospital Ealing

Service users and staff from Cygnet Hospital Ealing’s specialist eating disorder service, Sunrise Ward, have had a full timetable of events and activities this week to mark Eating Disorder Awareness Week (1st -7th March).

The activities were planned to help raise awareness and bust myths about eating disorders. One of the highlights of the week was a Skype session with author Tabitha Farrar. Prior to the session a copy of Tabitha’s book, “Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!: Anorexia recovery for the determined” was purchased and read by all the service users on the ward. The session gave Tabitha the opportunity to talk about her journey with an eating disorder and to answer questions. Some of the questions asked were around recovery in the community, communication with family, exercise and rewiring our brain.

Another well received event was a Showcase which was an amazing success. The Showcase gave service users the platform to share poetry / letters and stories detailing their own experiences of living with an eating disorder. Both service users and staff attended the event. White chocolate cookies and almond oat bars that had been made in the baking group earlier that day were also served.

“You have stripped me of crucial years of my life which I will never have the opportunity to relive. But that is it, you will never get another year from me because I am tired of this now. There is no place for you in my life anymore.”Extract from ‘A Letter to my Eating Disorder’, Service User, Sunrise Ward

Other activities during the week included a mindfulness and relaxation therapy session led by one of the ladies, a healthy exercise session, and a Henna Workshop. The Henna was a great way to engage with self-care and for the ladies to take time to focus on themselves.

Well done to everyone who contributed to the events and especially to the ladies on Sunrise Ward for sharing their poetry and letters.

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