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Bronte Ward’s Recycling Project

Service users and staff on Cygnet Hospital Bierley’s Bronte Ward, a low secure service for women, have created their own Recycling Project to minimise the use of plastics on the service.

The initiative came from group discussions on the impact of waste such as plastic/paper and the implications of the amount of waste we currently have in the UK.

“I was shocked by the amount of rubbish we picked up before we even got to the park.”Service user – Bronte Ward

As a collective they decided that they wanted to do something about this at a local level. As part of their Recycling Project the group came up with the following initiatives:

  1. Each service user has been given a reusable plastic spoon to use for their drinks – this has eliminated the use of plastic stirrers on the ward. This idea was suggested by a service user on the ward.
  2. Recycling bins for paper/cardboard and plastic have been placed in communal areas on the ward and in the ward office. Service users have taken the responsibility to empty these as and when needed.
  3. Staff and service users have begun a litter picking group in the local area. Service users who have participated in this were shocked by the amount of litter they came across in the local area.
  4. The team have also purchased reusable coffee cups which service users have personalised with sharpies. These can be used when needed on and off the ward.

“The plastic spoons are a great idea. No more plastic stirrers which are wasted.”Service user – Bronte Ward

The Recycling Project has so far been a great success and future plans include taking the litter picking group even further afield with a trip to the seaside.

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