Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Beds: 10
A highly specialised multi-disciplinary team supports people in Upper West and care and treatment programmes are very much tailored to the individual’s needs. DBT is used as a treatment programme within the ward and it is a bilingual community where all staff are trained in British Sign Language.
Cygnet Hospital Bury is a major employer of Deaf staff, ensuring we provide high quality accessible services. Our highly experienced and skilled interpreting team work alongside a Deaf communication and translation specialist, enabling high quality care. You can meet some of the team in the video below.
Each individual has a treatment plan and a weekly therapeutic timetable which can include: individual and group psychology, counselling for drug and alcohol misuse, anger management, social skills development, daily living skills development, healthy living, IT skills training, education and vocational development, group games and activities.
All bedrooms have full en-suite facilities and access to a range of recreational space including a gym, laundry, occupational therapy kitchen, therapy garden and external sports pitch.
Innovation at Upper West:
- Recovery College
- National Service User Awards
- Adapted Safety Intervention training to ensure communication is
not restricted - Mental Health Act code of practice Easy Read adaptation in association with NHS England
- Personalised visual adaptations for Deaf service users with additional learning disabilities and complex needs
- Care plans recorded in BSL film format or other formats meaningful to the individual
- All About Me Deaf Recovery package
Our service user profile:
- Women, aged 18+
- Mental Health Act Status: Detained
- Complex communication needs which may relate to deafness alongside mental illness, personality disorder, learning disability or developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder
- Requiring assessment and/or treatment in a medium or low secure environment
- May require intensive care as a result of significant risk of aggression, absconding self-harm, suicide or vulnerability
- May or may not have a forensic history
Our facilities:
- State of the art Recovery College including media suite
- Sensory equipment
- Occupational therapy kitchen
- Therapy garden
- Gym
- Woodland walkways down to Elton Reservoir
Our Community links
- Rochdale College
- Local Deaf clubs in Bury, Bolton and Manchester
- Canal and River Trust
- Leisure facilities including swimming and gym