Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Cygnet has over 20 years’ experience of delivering the best outcomes for individuals with autism and learning disabilities, who may present with behaviours that challenge. We offer low secure and rehabilitation services across 5 different locations in the UK.

Alongside our interventions to reduce maladaptive behaviours, our aim is to help the individuals we support to develop life skills and progress through their care pathway to achieve further independence.

We have collaboratively created our model of care based on an integrated approach whereby family, service users, commissioners and carers are all involved in the rehabilitation and recovery of the individual.

Download our Autism Spectrum Disorder services brochure
4.01 MB
Download our Model of Care for Autism Spectrum Hospital services
314.89 KB
Download our Service Directory
3.92 MB

Cygnet supports STOMP

For more information on our autism spectrum disorder services please use the search filter below.