Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Cygnet Adarna House

279 Beacon Road, Wibsey, Bradford, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire & Humber, BD6 3DQ

Gender: Male

Age: 18+

Beds: 9

Cygnet Adarna House is our rehabilitation service for men with mental illness and a secondary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Supporting nine men, we provide a homely and community facing environment for individuals who are preparing for community life, but need further support to move to more independent living.

The service supports people to work on their independent living skills in a safe environment, treatments are provided by the multidisciplinary team (MDT).

The MDT works together with service users to provide a holistic, person-centred, comprehensive assessment and care and treatment plan. The team ensure individual’s needs are met in a way that helps that each achieve stability and discharge to a less restrictive setting.

Cygnet Adarna House is located in the suburbs of Wibsey in Bradford, the team focus on ensuring the individuals they support are part of their local community and can access education, employment and other opportunities to meet their needs. The service also benefits from great public transport links to local towns and cities including Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds and Manchester.

We can also support men who are not actively showing signs of immediate risk, but who may need to develop their independent living skills, or require support with their mental health needs. Service users are supported to be actively involved in their own rehabilitation.

The team are highly experienced in supporting individuals with autism. All members of staff are trained in understanding autism and in how to create a supportive environment for everyone.

The service has an array of facilities, all of which provide a low stimulus environment for individuals who may be experiencing heightened feelings of agitation.

Caleb’s Journey

Read Caleb’s blog about his experience at Cygnet Adarna House through to the present day.

Find out more

Our service user profile:

  • Men aged 18+
  • Primary diagnosis of mental illness with complex needs
  • Secondary diagnosis of high functioning Asperger’s syndrome or autism
  • Typical diagnoses:
    • Schizophrenia
    • Schizo-affective disorder
    • Bipolar affective disorder
    • Psychosis
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Personality disorder
    • Depression
  • May be detained under civil and forensic sections or informal
  • May present with forensic history
  • May include history of substance misuse

Our facilities:

  • 9 En-suite bedrooms
  • Lounges including quiet space
  • Dining room
  • Sensory provision
  • Games and activity room
  • Private visitors room
  • Large gardens

Our community links:

  • Locals shops, supermarkets and shopping complexes
  • Local Parks
  • Great public transport links with a local bus stop with transport to Bradford, Leeds and Halifax city centres
  • Leisure centres and restaurants
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Latest from Cygnet Adarna House


Christmas Day at Cygnet Adarna House

The service users and staff were treated to a full Christmas dinner and sat together to enjoy opening their presents, followed by a festive Christmas quiz and movie.


Autism Awareness Day at Adarna House

Cygnet Adarna House marked National Autism Awareness Day with fun events and activities, including sensory food-tasting and a visit to the local farm.

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