Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

East Hampton – Men’s Low Secure

Gender: Male

Age: 18+

Beds: 13

East Hampton and Upper East are our low secure services for men with mental illness, and both support men experiencing complex mental illness and/or personality disorder.

The services accept direct admissions from the community, from rehabilitation or acute services and from prison, however many people step down through the internal care pathway from the medium secure services offered at Cygnet Hospital Bury.

Across all of our medium and low secure services, service users are supported by a dedicated multi-disciplinary team who work with people to assess their needs and create a discharge pathway to the community.

Treatment is based on the principles of recovery including psychological therapies, occupational therapy, social therapy, physical healthcare and medication. Risk assessment tools are used and a clinical formulation is developed to inform the management plans for each patient.

Therapy and Activity Programmes:

Programmes are tailored to individual needs and our MDT work with service users to identify treatment options. Our full range of programmes includes:

  • DBT
  • ASSIST (PD intervention)
  • EMDR
  • Fire setting
  • Life Minus Violence
  • CBT for psychosis
  • Schema Therapy
  • Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP)
  • Substance misuse
  • Adapted therapy programmes for Deaf patients

Service users are also supported by our psychology and occupational therapy departments in anger management, social skills development, daily living skills, healthy living, IT skills training, education and vocational development.

Our Facilities

  • En-suite bedrooms
  • Range of communal spaces
  • Gym
  • Laundry
  • Occupational therapy kitchen
  • Therapy garden
  • External sports pitch
  • Woodland walkways down to the Elton Reservoir

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Service users and staff from Cygnet Bury Hudson with their donations to Barnabus

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Music 2 Empower – Akin’s Story

In this episode of Music 2 Empower we meet Akin, a service user at Cygnet Bury Hudson, who talks about the power of music and how music puts him in his “safe and happy zone”.


Crochet chocolate orange covers raise money for Young Minds

At the Excel and Exceed Centre, it has become an annual tradition for Louise, one of the teachers, to make decorative crochet covers for chocolate oranges, to then be sold at the Christmas Fayre held at Cygnet Bury Forestwood.

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