Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Acer Lower – Highly Specialised Personality Disorder service for women

Gender: Female

Age: 18+

Beds: 14

Acer Lower is Cygnet Acer Clinic’s 14 bed highly specialised service providing assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for women with personality disorder and complex needs.

Rehabilitation is provided in a therapeutic setting, with a level of security matched to individual needs. The aim of the treatment, rehabilitation and re-socialisation programme is to prepare the individuals in our care either for transfer to an environment of lesser security, or for a life in the community.

Our dedicated clinical teams provide a multi-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation. This includes occupational therapy, social work and vocational training.

Blog: Skye’s Journey

Skye, a former service user, shares her experience at Cygnet Acer Clinic including how they helped her move to the community.

Find out more

Rehabilitation process:

  • START assessments
  • Integrated approach combining different models of therapy (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Schema informed)
  • Pre-engagement group
  • Personality Disorder psychoeducation
  • Mindfulness
  • Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS)
  • Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and ‘My Safety Plan’
  • Comprehensive community links to support vocational/educational, self-care and leisure opportunities

Our service user profile

  • Female, aged 18+
  • Complex mental health needs, challenging behaviours and a primary or secondary diagnosis of personality disorder
  • Subject to a section of the Mental Health Act
  • May have a history of substance misuse or dependency
  • May have experienced regular placement breakdowns
  • Sustained relational and social functioning problems
  • Forensic or non-forensic history
  • Capacity to engage
  • Referrals accepted from Tiers 1-4
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Cygnet Acer Clinic Food Bank Donation

The staff and Service Users at Acer Clinic have been collecting food and toiletries over the last few months to donate to the local food bank at Derbyshire Community Hub, led by Clinical Manager Carolyn. Billie, a service user at Acer Clinic expressed an interest in donating and being involved in the scheme. Billie said the following; ‘ I wanted to help collect for the food bank because I think it’s an important cause, especially at this time of year. If you have the ability to help those less fortunate than yourselves, why would you choose not to? If I can help give another person the basic necessities in life, I would do it a million times over’.

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