Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Amberwood Lodge

6 St Osmunds Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, BH14 9JN

Gender: Mixed

Age: 18+

Amberwood Lodge is a specialist residential service for adults with autism and learning disabilities and who may present with behaviours that challenge. We aim to provide a safe, comfortable and effective environment, promoting independence and community integration. Person-centred planning is at the heart of everything we do, based on each person’s specific needs. We understand that consistency and continuity of care is important for the individuals we care for.

Based just a 10 minute drive from the seaside, Amberwood Lodge is a beautiful building providing specialist support for nine individuals. Within the service we have a large communal lounge, a sensory room, an IT and activity room and two kitchens; one large homely kitchen that individuals use independently to make drinks and snacks for themselves and their visitors, as well as a second kitchen where residents assist the cook to prepare meals and plan menus for the week. Additionally, we have a lovely spacious garden with an abundance of outdoor activities, including a lovely summerhouse.

As part of our care pathway, our service enables individuals to build upon their skills to achieve further independence, self-advocacy and confidence, leading to better quality of life. Residents can gain skills through extended learning on a number of accredited platforms.

Interventions are matched according to residents’ needs and our life skills development programmes are overseen by our activity coordinators.

The integrated MDT consists of occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychology and psychiatry. The team works together to support the development of daily living skills and reduction in maladaptive behaviours.

Our staff use non-aversive positive approaches and are trained in specialised intervention techniques and sensory integration strategies.

Jordan’s Journey

Read about how the team at Amberwood Lodge transformed Jordan’s life.

Find out more

Our resident profile:

  • Adults from the age of 18 years
  • Individuals with a diagnosis of autism and learning disability
  • May present with behaviours that challenge
  • May have communication challenges
  • May have associated complex needs
  • Likely history of multiple exclusions and placement or family breakdowns
  • May have an ECHP (Education Healthcare Plan)
  • May be subjected to DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) or Care Orders

Our facilities:

  • En-suite bedrooms – residents are encouraged to personalise their room
  • Spacious communal areas
  • Garden with outdoor seating and summer house
  • Multi-sensory room
  • IT Café

Our community links:

  • Local high street shops
  • Close to the New Forest
  • Harvester Restaurant
  • Farmer Palmers
  • Durlston Country Park
  • Monkey World
  • Leisure centres
  • Local beaches
  • Superbowl
  • Moors Valley Country Park
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Latest from Amberwood Lodge


Festive Fun at Amberwood Lodge

In the lead up to Christmas, residents and staff at Amberwood Lodge took part in lots of festive activities and celebrations ahead of the big day.


Halloween at Amberwood Lodge

The residents at Amberwood Lodge got into the spirit of Halloween by creating their own decorations and transforming the dining area with cobwebs, paper plate spiders, and glowing pumpkins.


Amberwood Lodge’s 15th Birthday Party

Amberwood Lodge celebrated by having a disco-themed party and BBQ with residents, family and friends of residents and staff, and other Cygnet locations.

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