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Festive Fun at Amberwood Lodge

In the lead up to Christmas, residents and staff at Amberwood Lodge took part in lots of festive activities and celebrations ahead of the big day.

Firstly, the residents were asked to vote on a new theme for their Christmas decorations. Using their Choosing Wall, they voted for pink, and we think they made a great choice!

Throughout the month, residents got creative, making Christmas-themed foods in cooking club and creating entries for the Cygnet Christmas Card competition. The group loved making (and eating) rice crispy Christmas puddings.

The residents also made a cake for the Cygnet Cake Off competition. The group used the choosing wall to vote on the style of cake they wanted to make and decorate, with the final vote being a lemon-flavoured Santa train cake. Some helped to make the cake mix, whilst others helped to decorate later in the afternoon. Residents mixed and spread icing as well as making icing snowmen. They then added train tracks, trees, Santa and a train to finish. The residents got to demonstrate their skills to all the new staff involved in helping with the cake.

As per Amberwood Lodge tradition, each Day Team has a Christmas dinner with residents before the big day to celebrate and eat together. Thank you chef Karina for making a delicious feast for all to enjoy. The residents made the crackers to pull during the meal, and everyone loved the jokes!

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