Case study: Jay’s Journey

Jay’s * history:

Jay was diagnosed with a moderate learning disability, associated behaviours that challenge, autism and epilepsy.

He required full time care from his family or a care provider from early childhood, he spent periods of time within hospitals and residential with nursing placements prior to Redlands.

When Jay came to us:

Jay’s journey with Redlands began when he transitioned from a residential nursing placement, where he faced challenges coping with the noise levels from his peers.

The environment at Redlands offered him a quieter and more conducive setting, better suited to his needs.

Initially, Jay faced significant communication barriers as he was nonverbal and often resorted to aggressive behaviours to express himself.

Jay’s care:

At Redlands, Jay received comprehensive care from our dedicated multi-disciplinary team. Over the first six months Jay’s progress was remarkable. With focused efforts, he began to develop independence and improve his communication skills.

Recognising the importance of communication, the Redlands team facilitated sessions with a dedicated 1:1 music therapist. Through these sessions, Jay’s confidence in using spoken words blossomed. From being classified as nonverbal upon arrival, Jay started to exhibit a limited but meaningful range of communication.

This breakthrough has not only empowered Jay but has also facilitated positive and meaningful conversations with his family.

Additionally, Jay faced challenges related to his physical health. With the support of his family and the advocacy of the Redlands team, Jay underwent a successful knee replacement surgery. This procedure significantly enhanced his physical mobility and quality of life.

Jay today:

Jay thrives in the nurturing environment of Redlands. He is settled, content, and enjoys meaningful interactions with both our team and his family.

His transformation stands as a testament to the dedicated care that the Redlands team provide, demonstrating our commitment to enhancing the lives of those we serve.

Download a copy of Jay’s Journey
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*Name has been changed to protect his identity

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