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Cygnet Elms Disney Day

Cygnet Elms recently held a Disney Day which was organised by a service user, Charlene, and Therapy Coordinator, Riccardo Brade. Charlene spent time decorating the unit the day before the event with the help of the staffing team and come the day it looked absolutely lovely. One of the highlights of the day was seeing the staff members walk in in their costumes, knowing they’d driven to work as that character for the day.

The day began with a bake sale held in the dining room as part of Macmillan Cancer charity morning by Therapy Coordinator, Jenna Foxall. Starting a Disney day off with sugar just seemed like the right thing to do! An impressive £50 was raised for charity.

Service users and staff attended a face painting session in the salon. There were so many great painters, and everyone looked amazing. Charlene had arranged with the chef to produce a buffet for lunch, which was full of incredibly tasty food that went down very well.

After lunch, all the service users attended pet therapy, where there was a very special guest. The animal therapist had dressed her dog up as the Beast from Beauty and the Beast! Of course, this warranted a photoshoot with staff and patients and the session was a huge success.

Later in the day, Charlene and staff held a variety of other events such as a quiz, which consisted of naming as many Disney characters from photos as possible to gain points. A bingo session was also held which both patients and staff seemed to enjoy; and of course, there were prizes for the winners.

During the service users weekly community meeting that day, Charlene handed out gift bags she had made to all of the service users as a huge thank you for taking part in the day. Everyone expressed that they had such a wonderful time and thanked Charlene and Riccardo for organising the day. The winners for the ‘best dressed’ awards were announced, including both a service user category and a staff category, it got very tense at one point!

The day ended with service users sat with staff to watch whichever Disney film they wanted, with popcorn and snacks, relaxing after such a whirlwind of a day.

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