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Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027

Together we make a positive difference

This strategy sets out our priorities for the next five years and reflects our ambition to provide outstanding, safe, high quality services for every individual in our care. We want all our provision to deliver to the level of our absolute best and offer person-centred care for the children, young people, adults and older people we look after.

This strategy focuses on five key strategic priorities where we believe we can have the most impact on making a positive difference to people’s lives.

1. Service users first
Putting individuals at the heart of all we do in the delivery of safe, high quality care.

2. Support & help more people
Providing the right care, at the right time in settings that best meet individual needs.

3. Deliver service excellence
To be seen as a provider of choice for the delivery of high quality, evidence-based, specialist care.

4. Value & develop our staff
To recruit and retain talented people who exemplify our values and feel proud to work in a culture that promotes excellence, delivers person-centred care and provides opportunities for everyone to be their best.

5. Innovation for the future
Showcase innovation and vision. Harness technology. Deliver our sustainability targets. Be a force for good in the communities we serve.

Our purpose, vision, mission and values remain the same. Not everything has to fundamentally change as we look ahead. Indeed we have strong foundations to build upon and our aim is to continually improve so that we can be even more proud of the care we provide as we move forward over the next five years.

Download our Strategic Plan 2022-2027
1.31 MB
Download our Strategic Plan 2022-2027 – Easy Read Version
9.62 MB

Clinical Strategy

Our clinical strategy is a blueprint of how we will ensure the delivery of high-quality, sustained, and person-centred care, support learning and innovation, and promote an open and fair culture to attract and retain the best people in our workforce.

The Clinical Strategy should be read alongside the Cygnet Strategic Plan 2022 -2027, which reflects the corporate priorities for the next five years. Achieving our Strategic Plan will be supported by our Clinical Strategy.

Download our Clinical Strategy 2023-2028
1.41 MB