We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Network in sponsoring their conference, ‘Celebrating 10 Years of Involvement’.

The conference is to celebrate a decade of regional involvement in secure services. The Yorkshire and Humber Network brings together service users and staff from 16 services that includes both NHS and private organisations providing low and medium secure care. The Network is about sharing best practice and collaborative working to improve the experience and quality of support that people receive.
The conference is being held at the National Coal Mining Museum. This unusual and exciting venue, one of the few remaining accessible coal mines in England, along with the presentations and workshops that will fill the day; will ensure that the conference stands out in the memory of the delegates.
The venue is central for all of the secure services in Yorkshire and Humber and is accessible for people around the country by rail and road, with ample parking.
Contributions welcome
There will be no market stall due to limited space, however all services in the Yorkshire and Humber Network are invited to contribute in the following ways:
- Information about initiatives from your service you would like to share.
- Contributions towards a music CD to be played over lunch.
- Any artwork that people would like to be shown over lunch (on a screen).
Deadline for submission of any contributions is 18th March 2016 via email to [email protected].
To register for places please complete the form below or email [email protected] by 29th April 2016.