Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Beds: 17
The service at Fisher Ward provides a comprehensive range of treatment for women aged between 18 and above, who require treatment in an inpatient setting.
The service and care delivery model is underpinned by an established CBT framework ‘Comprehend Cope and Connect’, a transdiagnostic approach to mental health difficulties that brings together the impact of past trauma and adversity on present coping (comprehend), and utilises mindfulness and compassion-focussed approaches to manage change (cope and connect).
The ethos of this service is to assess and treat individuals in a minimally restrictive environment and to plan for discharge in a robust and timely fashion.
Our experienced multi-disciplinary team works collaboratively with service users, carers, commissioners and the home team to provide a safe, effective and responsive treatment pathway that is co-produced and recovery orientated.
The care pathway of 28 days aims to ensure a short length of stay and safe return to the community, where possible.
Our service user profile
- Women, aged 18+
- May be informal or detained under the Mental Health Act
- Experiencing an acute episode of mental illness that cannot be safely managed in the community
- Diagnoses may also include:
- Depression, Bi-polar illness and other mood disorders
- Anxiety
- Psychosis
- Schizophrenia
- Schizo-Affective Disorder
- Personality disorders
- Dual diagnosis
- Substance misuse issues