Media Coverage
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How your body reacts when you’re cold
Dr Jon Van Niekerk has explained the physical and mental changes that occur when you have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Cygnet Doctor gives advice on supporting people with suicidal thoughts
Cygnet Group Clinical Director Dr Jon Van Niekerk has given advice on how to support people with suicidal thoughts.
Cygnet Doctor appointed as Royal College of Psychiatrists Director
Cygnet Group’s Director of Medical Education, Dr Dave Barker, has been appointed as a Director for the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Cygnet Services in Sheffield Enjoy a Summer Fayre
Service users at Cygnet’s day services in Sheffield, along with their family and carers, enjoyed a summer fayre in the sunshine.
Clive takes on Scafell Pike challenge for autism charity
Clive Summerbell, a member of the maintenance team at Cygnet Wast Hills, has recently scale Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England, to raise money for a charity that helps people with autism.
Expert by experience Euan returns to help others recover
Euan Atkinson, who received treatment for mental health problems at Cygnet Hospital Wyke, has now returned to the hospital to help others on their journey to recovery.
Cygnet expert gives advice on dementia signs
Dr Henk Swanepoel, the lead neuropsychologist at Cygnet, has advised on spotting the early signs of dementia.
New Social Hub opens at Cygnet Hospital Beckton
A new social hub has opened at Cygnet Hospital Beckton, transforming a clinical space into a room where service users can relax and unwind.
Cygnet’s Social Hubs project shortlisted for national award
Cygnet’s Social Hub project, which has transformed clinical spaces at over twelve services across the UK, has been shortlisted in this year’s Patient Experience Network Awards.
Service users enjoy summer party at Cygnet Brunel
Service users at Cygnet Brunel have enjoyed their annual summer fete with friends and families.