Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Cygnet Views new Well Person’s Clinic

Cygnet Views have been piloting a new ‘Well Person’s Clinic’. These clinics are led by the service’s Physical Health Lead Nurse, and individuals are invited every month for a consultation about their physical health, including a full set of physical observations, a discussion regarding any physical health concerns and signposting to other services where required.

The clinic focuses on health promotion around important self-checking such as breast checking, advice around smear tests, the importance of Dentist and Optician appointments, to support the ‘Making Every Contact Count’ initiative.

In order to celebrate and encourage attendance to these clinics Cygnet Views have established a loyalty card scheme and individuals are given a small, self-care themed reward for attendance, such as face masks, hand cream or perfume samples. When a full loyalty card is achieved, individuals are gifted an individualised prize. One service user has recently completed a full loyalty card for three consecutive months’ attendance, and in recognition of this was gifted a Lilo and Stich gift set and a certificate.

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